Ngeorges houssney engaging islam books

Georges houssney was raised in the predominantly muslim city of tripoli, lebanon. What makes this book refreshingly different from many others and there are scores of books these days explaining islam is that the author grew up in the arab. The indisputable claims of christianity reveal the truth to all the. Houssney truly loves muslim people and desires to help them come to a living faith in the messiah, and this comes through. Georges houssney s interesting life story provides the backdrop for practical instruction on what to and not to do when sharing jesus with muslims. At its most basic level, this is a good introduction for christians who havent previously read anything about islam or engaging muslim people. Others are discipling new believers from a muslim background. The engage course trains churches, mission organizations, and campuses for evangelism and ministry to muslim people. Engaging islam study guide edition by georges houssney. She teaches with horizons international, where she just published the engage course and book. Georges joins us to talk about his new book engaging islam and to. Engaging islam kindle edition by houssney, georges. The panel of experts included georges houssney, author of the book engaging islam. In an easytoread style, and with helpful narratives illustrating the principles, his book engaging islam walks the reader through the maze of many of the most challenging and perplexing issues of islamic worldview, culture, identity, and theology.

International, where she just published the engage course and book. Many are serving short and long term in the middle east. Georges houssneys book, engaging islam, alerts christians to the challenges and opportunities of reaching muslims worldwide. Video audio articles featured books bookstore about us. My father, georges, has over 40 years of experience in fruitful ministry among muslims, and a unique and refreshing perspective on islam. Engaging islam written by georges houssney, has been received warmly by many who have hailed the book with a sign of relief, its about. Georges houssney treeline publishing, 2010 georges houssneys book, engaging islam, alerts christians to the challenges and opportunities of reaching muslims worldwide. Georges houssney grew up in lebanon hating muslims, but since. Of all the books i have read on the topic, engaging islam has become my top recommendation to friends who become interested in reaching out to muslims. Additionally, she teaches engaging islam training and supports horizons refugee center in beirut, lebanon.

Georges houssney, author of engaging islam, discusses some things every christian can do to reach out to a muslim in our neighborhood or. Learn how to engage muslims, understand them on a personal level, and gain an understanding of the role we have as christians to boldly preach the gospel with conviction. Born and raised in lebanon, he has more than forty. Georges houssney is the author of engaging islam 4. Read engaging islam by georges houssney reading this book will inspire you to love muslims and feel more comfortable approaching them. Former students are engaging muslims with the gospel in international student and refugee ministries around the world. Georges houssneys life is a remarkable testimony of a lebanese christian whom god called to love muslims and submit his life to engaging lostness among them. Learn to engage muslims, understand them on a personal level, and. Engaging islam alerts christians to the challenges and opportunities.

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